Thursday, November 11, 2010


Okay..I admit i am a VLP which stands for Very Lazy Person. That's why im not consistent in blogging. The 1st time i blog was a year ago and i deleted my blog because im LAZY to manage it!! This time i promised myself to blog more frequently and not like last time (update around once evry three week i guess xD). I told shihui, 'I wanna start blogging again but how if i repeat the history (update so damn seldom and finally delete my blog. haha)? ' So she told me just write it and leave it if i really don't feel wanna update.

I've just finished my final exam yesterday. Bet u can see that my dark circles is getting really serious! Nevermind. Guess i could sleep really well this coming holiday. Btw, im now single again =) It's not that bad i think. Mayb thats what both of us need. Time will be the best medicine for my lovesick =D

Tomorrow will be the last day i touch ping pong ball. Such a boring game for me. Hahaha.. Actually i don't really know how to play but when teacher ask, 'siapa nak cuba main ping pong?ada sijil' .So me and Jane (a very sweet girl) volunteered . Haha. We took lots and lots of funny picture while in school today. will upload those Lmao-photos soon xD

I'm sick now >.< I dunno why i keep on fall sick this few weeks. I still rmb last month i ran to toilet almost evry hour cause of serious diarrhea. Even while exam! Suffered enough. Next week will be the last week I need to go to school. Yeah! I feel wanna dye my hair using liese but i really scare it will spoil my hair or bla bla bla. I never did anythg to my hair except just cutting cos ppl told me i have nice hair and i'm so proud of it =] . Lu Jing told me her hair become drier after using it. But anyhow still in consideration. Gonna do moral kerja amal. Bye ~

Hope I will have a nice holiday with all of my babes =)